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Assessing Hand Hygiene Practices Among Nurses in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Mohammed AL Mohaithef1 , * Open Modal Authors Info & Affiliations
The Open Public Health Journal 23 May 2020 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/1874944502013010220



Hand hygiene is a simple and effective practice that reduces the transmission of hospital acquired infections. However, adherence to hand hygiene guidelines among health care professionals is low. The aim of this study is to assess hand hygiene practices among nurses working in hospitals in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


The standardized version of the World Health Organization (WHO) questionnaire was administered to nurses from six hospitals in the region of Asir.


300 nurses were approached to enroll 243 participants so the response rate was 81%. The study found that 65.4% (159) of the participants followed a good hand hygiene practice while 10.3% (25) showed inadequate hand hygiene practice. Good hand hygiene practice was found to be significantly higher among female participants (88%) than the male participants (44%). The participants from the department of internal medicine (43.5%) showed the highest percentage of inadequate hand hygiene practice while participants from the department of pediatrics reported a 100% good hand hygiene practice.


The male nurses and nurses working in the department of internal medicine require in-service educational intervention regarding hand hygiene to increase their compliance with its practice . Posters and other visual aids highlighting the significance of hand hygiene need to be displayed in all the departments to sensitize the importance of hand hygiene among nurses.

Keywords: Hand hygiene, Nurse, Hospital acquired infection, Health care professionals, Alcohol-based hand rub, Hand washing.
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