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Culturally Embedded Strategies for Lung Cancer Awareness in Hard-to-reach Communities in the Eastern Cape: Insights from Field Observations

The Open Public Health Journal 03 December 2024 COMMENTARY DOI: 10.2174/0118749445333306241014105226


Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death worldwide. The lack of knowledge and awareness about the signs and symptoms of lung cancer often results in late diagnosis in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Traditional beliefs, cultural practices, and social norms may influence health-seeking behaviours and contribute to misconceptions about lung cancer. This piece intimates the readers how culturally embedded communication strategies could promote lung cancer awareness in hard-to-reach communities in the Eastern Cape. We found that cultural barriers and challenges in raising awareness about lung cancer exist, highlighting the need for culturally appropriate communication approaches, emphasizing the importance of cultural sensitivity and community engagement. This engagement has implications for future interventions, providing valuable insights into best practices for addressing lung cancer awareness in similar contexts.

Keywords: Lung cancer, Culturally embedded strategies, Awareness, Eastern Cape, Cultural Sensitivity, Intervention.
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