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Characteristic Features of Dietary Patterns and Physical Activity among Medical Students

The Open Public Health Journal 19 Apr 2024 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/0118749445294175240326034837



This paper deals with the investigation of controlled risk factors associated with body weight disorders of young people with overweight and obesity. Authors are convinced that the formation of a conscious attitude to health in youth and early diagnosis of any abnormalities through the dynamic monitoring of adolescents and young people with excess body weight could help in the solution to this problem.


Statistical and sociological methods were used during the investigation. 80 students from a medical university participated in this research. In the survey, Google Forms online application were used. The authors followed all the principles of bioethics and medical deontology in conformity with the requirements of the Helsinki Declaration. The questionnaire contained points about the diet, food habits and preferences, socio-economic status of the respondent’s family, the level of their physical activity, knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, and relationships in the group.


The primary processing of the obtained data was carried out using the methods of descriptive and analytical statistics with the provision of results in the form of relative indicators (Р, %) with an error (m, p). The specificity of the eating behavior of youth was connected with the absence of a food regime, the multiplicity of meals, and the low level of eating culture (lack of a permanent place to eat or eating in front of a computer or TV). Moreover, such habits, like eating before going to bed, eating under stress, or frequently visiting fast food restaurants, were typical for this group of population. A large number of young people were found to be prone to use advertised products.


Young people’s awareness of healthy nutrition has been found to be insufficient, and the level of physical activity in the studied group as unsatisfactory. Significant features of physical activity associated with maladaptive eating behavior have been observed to be a lack of physical activity on weekdays, absence of morning gymnastics, failure to comply with the norms of rational nutrition in the family, or low level of information about healthy nutrition.

Keywords: Body weight disorders, Excess weight, Obesity, Risk factors, Epidemic, Dietary patterns.
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